2024年秋季 课程时间表教学大纲 现在可以买到! 8月开始报名. 1st!






Amberton大学 is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges 和 Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSOC) to award bachelor’s 和 master’s degrees.  Amberton大学 also may offer credentials such as certificates 和 diplomas at approved degree levels. Questions about the accreditation of Amberton大学 may be directed in writing to the Southern Association of Colleges 和 Schools  Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, 迪凯特, 格鲁吉亚30033 - 4097, 电话(404)679-4500, or by using information available on SACSCOC’s website (http://www.sacscoc.org).

安伯顿大学已收到 Project Man年龄ment Institute Global 认证 Center’s accreditation (PMI-GAC) for its Project Man年龄ment degree programs.

Selected undergraduate 和 graduate Business programs are accredited by the 认证 Council for Business Schools 和 项目 (ACBSP). Refer to degree program p年龄s for more information.

凭证 & 识别

Amberton大学 is recognized by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board 和 the U.S. 部门. of Education as a licensed degree-granting institution.

Master of Arts degree in Marri年龄 和 Family 的rapy meets the academic requirements for licensing as a marri年龄 和 family therapist in Texas.

Master of Arts degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling (formerly known as Professional Counseling) meets the academic requirements for licensing as a professional counselor in Texas.

Master of Arts degree in School Counseling satisfies the academic 和 certification requirements for the School Counseling Certification as established by the Texas State Board of Educator Certification.

工商皇冠足球盘口硕士/工商皇冠足球盘口硕士会计双学位 program meets the education requirements of the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy necessary to register for the Certified Public Accountant examination.

Master of Science degree in Human Resource Man年龄ment aligns with the curriculum st和ards of the Society for Human Resource Man年龄ment (SHRM).


Amberton大学 is a not-for-profit institution as defined by Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. All moneys received by Amberton are used exclusively for the educational programs 和 operations of the University. While charitable contributions to Amberton are tax deductible, the University does not solicit or accept contributions from any 年龄ncy or individual unless such funds are given without external restrictions.


Amberton大学 is committed to providing a work 和 educational environment free of Discrimination 和 Harassment. 的 University does not discriminate or tolerate Discrimination or Harassment against individuals on the basis of sex, 性别, 比赛, color, 种族或民族出身, 年龄, 残疾, genetic information or veteran status (collectively, “Protected Status”) in its employment, 招生, 和/or education programs 和 activities.

As a nondenominational Christian institution, Amberton大学 is exempt from some of 第九条’s 和 Title VII’s requirements because of its commitment to Christian ethics. While Amberton大学 does not discriminate of the basis of religion concerning admission, the University does discriminate on the basis of religion concerning employment. Because the University is committed to Christian ethics, a Christian commitment is required of all employees.

To review the University’s complete 不歧视 Policy, refer to the 大学网站.

Inquiries regarding the University’s equal opportunity policy 和 non-discrimination may be addressed to:

Dr. Jo Lynn Loyd, Vice President for Strategic Services
972-279-6511 ex1. 126



* While Amberton大学 does not discriminate on the basis of religion concerning admission, the University does discriminate on the basis of religion concerning employment. Because the University is committed to Christian ethics, a Christian belief is required of employees.

“Can't speak highly enough about the great experience I have had at AU. I wanted to complete my degree at a regionally-accredited institution that gave me the opportunity to go to school while working full-time.”


picture of a man wearing his reading glasses


的 Amberton大学 Office of 制度研究 和 Effectiveness publishes information relating to the achievement of the University's students. 查看最新报告:




Chart your course: see important start dates for each one of Amberton's four academic sessions.



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准备申请? 应用ing for any degree or certification at Amberton大学 is free 和 simple to do. Submit your application in just 3 easy steps.
